6 ways to enjoy Coffee in Port Douglas you didn't know about


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Enjoy coffee in a slightly different way in Port Douglas

WE all have our favourite coffee place in town where the barista knows your name and favourite brew. So instead of serving the obvious coffee hits in this article, we found 6 ways of enjoying coffee in a slightly different way than usual. Get yourself a coffee and read on!

1. Espresso Martini with a dash of ocean view @ Lighthouse Café

What better way to relax after a beach walk than with an Espresso Martini at the Lighthouse Café terrace overlooking the Coral Sea? Enjoy this delicious cocktail with a double shot of "Sipping Duck" Espresso, Grey Goose vodka, Kahlua and a dash of ocean view. More information 

2. The ultimate coffee dessert – Tiramisu @ Bucci

Coffee doesn’t always have to be consumed in its fluent state… Pop into Bucci Ristorante for a delicious traditional Tiramisu to finish off your dinner. Make sure to check their Facebook page for the latest specials!

3. Enjoy your coffee in something special @ Ngarru Gallery

Next time you walk down Macrossan Street pop into Ngarru Gallery for some art inspired coffee giftware. All mugs and cups designs are original paintings from the Warlukurlangu Artists of Yuendumu. More information 

4. Multi-sensory coffee experience @ Pullman Sea Temple

The Roaster Guy premium roasted coffee beans has been created to keep you focused, relaxed and in the moment. With low acidity and juicy burned caramel notes, it creates a multi-sensory experience. The highly trained barista’s make that special flavour become a reality and all a stone’s throw from Four Mile Beach. More information

5. Get a little Caliente @ The Mexican

This spicy version of the classic Espresso Martini should be on all coffee lovers bucket list!
The Caliente Negra is made with Chili infused Incendio Patron, a double espresso shaken over ice and served with a vanilla sugar rim. Stay up-to-date with everything happening at The Mexican through their Facebook page.

6. Keep it cool with an Iced Coffee @ The Court House

With the year-round tropical temperatures in Port Douglas every day is a good day for a refreshing iced coffee! The Court House is the place to enjoy one while watching the world go by or get it takeaway if in a rush. Check out their Facebook page for all the latest!

What's your favourite coffee hang out in Port Douglas? Let us know in the comments section below!

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