WARNING GRAPHIC: Decapitated crocodile head found in police raid

A FAR North Queensland man has been charged with possessing the head of a decapitated crocodile.
The 60-year old man was found with the skull of a crocodile police claim is the same animal found without a head in a canal on the Cassowary Coast in April.
Detective Inspector Geoff Marsh said evidence suggested the man was keeping the head as a ‘trophy’.
"It was located in a position on the property which would suggest that he was trying to sun bleach it (and) use it as a trophy,” Marsh said.
"The information (we received) was sufficient for us to determine, or be satisfied, that this is the skull from the animal that was located in the creek north of Innisfail."
March said police carried out a search warrant after receiving information through Crime Stoppers. A crossbow, firearm and ammunition were also found, along with cannabis leaves and seedlings.
Police would not elaborate whether the man was also responsible for killing the crocodile, but said the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection would carry out DNA testing.
"The legislation is so usable that we don't need to prove that he's the one that killed the animal to face the full penalty," Marsh said.
He’ll face the Innisfail Magistrates Court in July on ‘serious charges’ and could receive a maximum penalty of $27,425.
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