Plastic free Douglas growing in strength


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How many plastic bags do you have in your kitchen? Douglas Shire is encouraging everyone to go plastic bag free this July. IMAGE: Supplied.

PLASTIC Free July is off to a great start in the Douglas Shire with a series of events to raise awareness of the negative impacts of disposable plastic on our wildlife and environment.

A growing number of community members have already committed to refusing to use single-use plastic items like bags, straws or coffee cups for the month, and there is still time for you to register for the challenge and add your voice to the Douglas residents leading the charge to protect our reef and rainforest for future generations.

Plastic Free Douglas is a collaboration of Douglas Shire Council, Tangaroa Blue and local environmentally aware organisations, businesses and individuals.

“We’re delighted with how well our local community has responded to the Plastic Free Douglas campaign since it was launched,” Mayor Julia Leu said.

“Our communities play an important role in putting pressure on governments and businesses to implement alternatives to disposable plastic.”

The Queensland Government has also committed to a ban on lightweight shopping bags and a container deposit scheme, and many cafes offer a discount if customers bring their own reusable coffee cup.

Leu said surveys showed that a majority of consumers already own reusable shopping bags and she would like to see that extended by more stores offering paper or reusable-mesh alternatives to the plastic fruit and vegie bag.

Plastic Free Douglas has joined Plastic Free July to raise awareness of just how much disposable plastic is used in our daily lives and what people can do to change that.

“We are asking individuals to be a part of it, and register with Plastic Free Douglas and attempt to refuse single-use plastic during July.

“When you register, Plastic Free Douglas will email you ideas and tips each week in July to help you achieve your goal of committing to a disposable Plastic Free July.”

The month kicked started with a Tangaroa Blue litter clean up at 4 Mile Beach.

Douglas Shire Council will host a free ‘Rubbish to Art’ workshop at Port Douglas Community Hall from 9.30am-11.30am on Saturday 15 July, where crafty kids of all ages can learn to use marine debris to create masterpieces for a reef sculpture educational display.

On Thursday 20 July at 6.30pm, Plastic Free Douglas is partnering with The Clink for an encore screening of the hugely successful feature documentary A Plastic Ocean which follows a team of international adventurers and researchers to 20 locations around the globe as they uncover the danger that is truly lurking beneath the surface of our seemingly pristine oceans.

If you’re ready for the challenge, or for more information or to register for events, contact Plastic Free Douglas at or check out the Plastic Free Douglas Facebook page.

Are you going plastic bag free this July? Let us know in the comments below.

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