Once, twice, three times a bloody idiot

A 34-year-old Cairns woman, who was allegedly apprehended for high range drink driving twice in the same day last Tuesday, has again been charged with drink driving.
Police were called to a Rigg Street address at around 7.15am on Sunday after the woman had allegedly collided with a carport post at the address before driving off.
Officers attended a Sondrio Street address a short time later where they located the vehicle and spoke with the woman. She underwent a roadside breath test which subsequently returned a breath alcohol reading of 0.201%.
<link june drunk-driver-caught-twice-in-one-day>Drunk driver caught twice in one day
The woman was arrested and charged with one count each of driving whilst under the influence of liquor, disqualified driving and driving a motor vehicle during a registration plate confiscation period.
She is scheduled to appear in the Cairns Magistrates Court on June 29.
It will be alleged that the woman was charged with similar offences on Tuesday June 6 after being detected driving with a breath alcohol concentration of 0.228% at Portsmith at 7.45am, then at Woree at 6.40pm with an alleged concentration of 0.174%.
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