Drunk-driver caught twice in one day

A 34-year-old woman is destined for court later this month after being nabbed twice by police for drink driving in Cairns on Tuesday.
Cairns Road Policing Unit officers were patrolling Ray Jones Drive at Portsmith on Tuesday morning when they observed the Woree woman driving outbound in a vehicle, which appeared to be bearing incorrect registration plates.
She was intercepted and underwent a roadside breath test which subsequently returned a breath alcohol reading of .228%, almost five-times the legal limit.
She was issued with a notice to appear in the Cairns Magistrates Court for high range drink driving, unlicensed driving and using false registration plates before being transported by police to a safe location.
At around 6.40pm that evening, RPU officers were called to attend Rigg Street at Woree in relation to a traffic complaint.
Officers intercepted a vehicle driving in the area without its lights on. The driver was found to be the same woman intercepted earlier in the day.
She underwent a second breath test which allegedly returned a reading of .174% and was charged with a second count of high range drink driving and unlicensed driving, as well as driving a vehicle at night without having the lights on.
She will appear in the Cairns Magistrates Court on June 29.
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