Tin Shed extension deemed ‘overdevelopment’

THE Port Douglas District Combined Club’s (Tin Shed) proposed extension of the club has been deemed as an overdevelopment of the land, according to documents which will be tabled at tomorrow’s Douglas Shire Council meeting in Mossman.
Council was responding to a pre-lodgement enquiry on the land located at 7 Ashford Avenue, Port Douglas, which proposes an extension of the first floor deck at the club’s facility.
The proposal is to extend the first floor outdoor deck area to allow members and guests to utilise the upstairs bar and lounge area. This would allow the deck to be fully utilised as a dining area. The deck area would be fully roofed and include new toilet facilities.
In the Council’s report, they note that no supporting material or alternative options had been provided (by the applicant) to justify further expansion of the club despite the existing, unusual car parking arrangement.
“As it stands, the proposed extension is considered to be overdevelopment of the land from a planning perspective. If a formal application is to be lodged, it will need to be accompanied by an evidence-based traffic study prepared by an appropriately qualified traffic consultant to support any proposed car parking arrangement for the additional floor space,” according to the report.
It adds that an issue of concern is no on-site car parking, with the club relying on public car parking elsewhere in the town.
It will be proposed that Council agree to support the ongoing development of the trail and to participate in a joint Project Working Group (Wangetti Trail Working Group) with staff from Cairns Regional Council.
It is believed that the Wangetti Trail will become a trail of international appeal and it is recommended that Douglas Shire Council participate in a Project Working Group with officers from Cairns Regional Council as well as state government officers, Traditional Owners and other relevant stakeholders.
The Wangetti Trail is a two-way trail and can commence at Port Douglas or Palm Cove, alternatively users would be able to use sections of the trail as day walks as they choose with access and egress points along the trail.
The trail will be shared use and available to mountain bike riders and walkers, providing a wilderness walk experience with outstanding views over the coastline and the Coral Sea and access to waterfalls and features along the way.
Council will vote on supporting and submitting a Reef 2050 Plan submission to GBRMPA following an invitation to Council to provide a submission on the draft Cumulative Impact Management Policy and the draft Net Benefit Policy.
The draft Cumulative Impact Management Policy and the draft Net Benefit Policy build on the existing Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Reef 2050 Plan), which aims to set out a comprehensive and systematic approach for how stakeholders can work together to achieve positive outcomes on the health of the GBR.
1. 59r Crees Road, Craiglie reconfiguration of lot
2. Request to change and extend MCU development approval 20-30 Langley, Road Port Douglas
3. Request for permissible change to planning approval 24 Mudlo Street, Port Douglas
4. Material change of use (11 units) 2-4 St Crispins Ave., Port Douglas
5. Request for permissible change for business facilities at 19 Warner Street, Port Douglas
6. Prelodgement enquiry for proposed extension to the combined club 7 Ashford Avenue, Port Douglas
7. Wangetti trail concept
8. Reef 2050 plan submission to GBRMPA
9. Further lease to Mossman Boat & Fishing Club Inc. over part of lot 382 on sr864, Rankin Street, Newell
10. Delegations council to CEO updates
11. Aboriginal cultural heritage general policy
12. Proposed amendment to the FNQROC development manual planning scheme policy
13. Water and wastewater quarterly report for period ending 30 June 2017
For further information visit the Council website.
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