Cairns council rates among lowest in Queensland

PORT Douglas business owners who commute from Cairns will be pleased to learn that the Cairns Regional Council (CRC) is again reporting the lowest median residential rates charges of all Queensland councils servicing a population of more than 100,000 people.
According to a statement, CRC recently completed a benchmarking process against 11 other councils across Queensland, taking into account all property related charges paid on an annual basis and the average water usage for a Cairns ratepayer.
“When we apply the Cairns median across other rate structures, we still come up second only to Brisbane,” said Mayor Bob Manning.
“When we look at the minimum rates amount on both residential and strata land, Cairns featured as the lowest again.
“We are also one of only two regions that did not have additional charges above the standard general rates, water access, sewerage cleansing and water usage,” said Mayor Manning.
Mayor Manning said the best results can be seen when we benchmark the median rates across each of the local governments – this is where Cairns is the lowest.
“We have kept rates at a good level over the last four years and anticipate being able to continue this in the long term. Given the size of our region and what we deliver, our charges are extremely competitive.”
In the net rates comparison for 2017/18, the total residential media evaluation – which includes general rates, water access, sewerage, cleansing, water usage and separate charge – for the following cities are:
• Cairns – 2,765
• Townsville – 2,946
• Mackay – 3,298
• Brisbane – 3,196
• Sunshine Coast – 3,278
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