BaCC recognised for community contribution

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BUILDING Active Connected Communities (BaCC) has won the Community Contribution Award in the Cairns Chamber of Commerce BEX Awards.
The award is just reward for their efforts in generating long term benefits for local not-for-profit organisations.
Formerly Cairns Community Enterprise and now Building Active Connected Communities (BaCC) FNQ, BaCC was established in 2009 in partnership with Bendigo Bank to provide not-for-profit groups in the Cairns, Kuranda, Mossman and Port Douglas regions with the ability to generate ongoing income streams.
BaCC also provides assistance with applications for financial grants to assist clubs with specific project needs and helps to support, fund and strengthen not-for-profit organisations in our local community. BaCC has helped over 200 not-for-profit groups across the region by providing regular and much needed funding. These funds are created by customers of Bendigo Bank who nominate their choice of group or charity when they purchase banking products.
BaCC Chair Stephen Devenish said the much needed funding allows groups to provide their services without the time consuming task of continuously finding funds.
“Winning the first ever BEX award for Community Contribution in 2017 confirms that BaCC is providing a much needed resource in the Cairns and Douglas communities,” he said.
“We have raised over $1.1 million since inception in 2009. This is a unique model and has a volunteer Board of Directors made up of local business professionals who are passionate about driving the outcomes that this funding achieves.”
To find out more visit and ask your local Bendigo Bank staff how your banking can ‘give BaCC’ to your favourite community group!
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