2.4m croc removed from Dickson Inlet


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EHP officers pull a 2.4m crocodile aboard their vessel in the Dickson Inlet Port Douglas. Image Newsport

A 2.4 metre crocodile has been captured near the mouth of Dickson Inlet in Port Douglas at noon today and will be re-located, a spokesperson for the Department of Environment Heritage and Protection has confirmed.

The crocodile resembles in size the now famous 'Sunbaking Crocodile' snapped in early April posing on a pontoon in front of tourists aboard one of the Calypso reef vessels. 

Thank you to a local fisherman, Newsport was able to be on scene moments after the crocodile was tagged and placed in the department’s boat.

The EHP officials confirmed the crocodile was in their boat with a protective covering to avoid any further stress.

The EHP spokesperson was unable to say why the crocodile had been captured and where it will be re-located.

More details will be released later.   

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