Mayor Leu lifts all water restrictions following downpour
THE recent heavy rain may have caused havoc for motorists, beach goers, sports fans and holiday makers trying to head home, but for locals, Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu today announced the news everyone wanted to hear: all water restrictions have been lifted.
“I can tell you that first thing this morning (Monday), I signed the order with the CEO to lift all water restrictions in the Douglas Shire,” she told Newsport.
“Officially they will be lifted on Thursday. According to the Act, it needs to be published in the local newspaper to officially take effect. However, for all intents and purposes, water restrictions have been lifted as of now,” she said.
This decision follows the Cairns Regional Council who also lifted its Level 1 water restrictions, following heavy rainfall in the Lake Morris catchment during the past week.
More than 440mm of rain over the past six days has brought the dam water level to within approximately 20 centimetres of the spillway.
A poor wet season and prolonged dry season prompted Douglas Shire Council to issue Level 1 water restrictions from Thursday 3 November, 2016; and Level 2 Water restrictions were introduced on Thursday 8 December 2016.
The Bureau of Meteorology has yet to provide rainfall figures, but Mayor Leu said in Lower Daintree, for example, they received more than 400mm during the 72-hour period, until Monday morning.
Although Four Mile Beach was closed to swimmers; a fallen power line caused some outages on Warner Street and the Sunday markets were affected; many took the opportunity to kayak on the flooded roads in the Port Gardens area.
Mossman, North Mossman, Port Douglas, Newell Beach, Cooya Beach, Cassowary and Mowbray communities are supplied with water from Rex Creek. This water is treated at the Mossman Water Treatment Plant.
Miallo, Rocky Point, Port Douglas Views and Wonga communities are supplied with water from Little Falls Creek. This water is treated at the Whyanbeel Water Treatment Plant.
The Daintree and surrounding communities are supplied from Intake Creek. This water is treated at the Daintree Water Treatment Plant.
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