Last chance to have your say on climate change

QUEENSLANDERS have just a few more days to have their say on how the state can meet the challenge of climate change head-on.
Acting Environment Minister Jackie Trad said the government will close public feedback on its Queensland Climate Adaptation Directions Statement on Monday, 9 January. The directions statement outlines the concepts underlying the development of the Queensland Climate Adaptation Strategy and is available online.
“Last year some 6000 Queenslanders responded to our discussion paper on how we reduce our emissions to try to limit climate change,” Trad said.
“This time we’re asking Queenslanders to share with us their thoughts on how we respond or adapt to unavoidable climate change. I urge all Queenslanders to get involved, to have a read of the directions statement and come back to us with their comments.
“You don’t have to be a scientist to have your say, we want everyone’s opinions – mums, dads, families, business and industry groups, from the layperson in the street to the experts.”
The public can have its say by making a submission via an online survey.
“We’re investing $3 million to develop the Queensland Climate Adaptation Strategy, which will join the community, industry, local governments and research institutions in identifying climate change risks and implementing appropriate solutions,” Trad said.
See more information on climate change initiatives.