Heard the one about Bruce Willis visiting Cairns?
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A NEWS story about Bruce Willis visiting Cairns has fooled Far North Queensland.
Satirical website newsdaily12.com posted a story headlined ‘Bruce Willis had this to say about Cairns, Australia residents’ yesterday which went viral, sucking in thousands across Australia.
The fib claimed Willis had broken down on the outskirts of Cairns, only to be helped by a couple of locals who then took him to ‘Jimmy’s Burger’ for lunch.
“I’m telling you, these people in Cairns are the real deal. I’m gonna move there after I retire,” Willis said (but not really) on the website.
The same hoax story was used earlier this week to suck Toowoomba locals into thinking Bill Murray had visited their town.
Well played newsdaily12.com.
Were you fooled?