Council expected to support plastic bag ban at upcoming meeting

In their opening Council session of the New Year, the Douglas Shire Council is expected to endorse the Queensland Government’s ban on the supply of lightweight plastic supermarket-style bags from July 2018.
Should the ban come into effect, Queensland will join South Australia, the Northern Territory, ACT, Tasmania and several international jurisdictions.
The banning of plastic bags in the shire has been well received and Douglas Shire Council is committed to demonstrating leadership in responsible environmental practices and is a facilitator of Plastic Free Douglas: which is aimed to reduce the impact of disposable plastic bags in Douglas.
Economic Development Strategy
Council will be asked to adopt an Economic Development Strategy 2017-2021 which was designed to achieve the long term economic goals of the Shire.After stakeholder engagement, the key priorities identified were:
- to reduce the high youth and Indigenous unemployment and maintain a balanced workforce and sustainable population;
- sustainable Development of existing industries and increased diversification whilst regenerating the natural environmental and cultural assets and further developing the premium brand of the Shire;
- access to reliable and affordable high speed digital connection and mobile phone reception;
- improved collaborative leadership to break down silos to increase innovation and development of new businesses and industries;
- a planning scheme that encourages innovation and investment that aligns with the Douglas brand; and quality, affordable and reliable essential services.
The Financial Report of the 2016/17 budget for the period ended 31 December 2016 will be tabled at the meeting and key points include:
- operating revenue currently exceeds budget expectations by $558k;
- operating expenditure is under budget by $362k; and
- the operating deficit is currently $812k compared to a budgeted deficit of $1.7m.
The budget can be viewed on the Council’s website which is listed below.
Council is expected to support a Queensland Government consultation paper “Towards an all abilities Queensland” which will assist in the development of a new disability plan for the State.
The discussion paper is seeking responses which will help identify practical ways that support the proposed vision of "a Queensland where people of all abilities can live the life they choose".
The discussion paper 'Towards an all abilities Queensland' outlines a proposed vision and priority areas for a new disability plan which has people with a disability, their families and carers being central to its focus.
The discussion paper proposes five priority areas:Personal and community relationships;
Recreation and tourism; Working and learning; Key services and Leadership and contribution.
Service Station Update - Craiglie
The proposed service station scheduled to be developed on the old Paws and Claws site in Craiglie is expected to be put on hold for 12 months. This is the second time the developers have requested an extension.
According to the agenda, Council has received a request to extend the relevant period of approval for a proposed service station development at 5946R Davidson Street, Craiglie for a further 12 months.
An extension was granted in December 2015 for 12 months up to 1 January 2017.
Agenda for Tuesday’s meeting in Council Chambers (10:00am)
1. Warner St, Pt Douglas, request to extend relevant period
2. 69-73 Murphy St, Pt Douglas, multiple dwellings request to extend approval
3. Request to extend relevant period of approval for proposed service station
4. Request to extend relevant period of approval - combined application (material change of use and reconfiguring a lot)
5. Request for permissible change - Ferrero Road, Craiglie
6. Financial report for the period ended 31 December 2016
7. Amendments to the CEO’s authorised delegations
8. Date, time and place of ordinary Council meetings
9. Queensland Government submission regarding ban of lightweight plastic shopping bags
10. Submission: towards an All Abilities Queensland
11. Douglas Shire economic development strategy
12. Tourism Port Douglas Daintree quarterly report July-September 2016
13. Submission about the draft compliance policy for regulating dog breeders in Queensland
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