Civil works to begin on Mossman aged care facility

THE aged care facility in Mossman is another step closer to realisation.
Road widening and infrastructure discussions are concluding with Douglas Shire Council and utility providers. The external civil works are anticipated to commence in February, including road works and underground services like sewage, stormwater and water supply. Tenders for these works close this Friday to determine the successful provider.
Architectural plans are in the final stages of approvals and construction of the building is expected to commence in April.
“It’s very encouraging to see we are so close to the heavy machinery moving on site to connect the enabling infrastructure for the proposed Mossman Nursing Home,” said Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu.
“As everyone knows it’s been a long time in the making to achieve our aim of a nursing home for Mossman but now we’re moving into the construction phase it’s very exciting.”
A community meeting will be held on April 18 to share further updates regarding the development, according to Aged Care Plus CEO Sharon Callister.
“The new facility will break down the barriers for residents living in Mossman to accessing aged care services which are currently up to 80km away.”
The new aged care facility’s mission is to serve all Australians with high quality aged care, regardless of their geographical location, and through their efforts, serve over 1700 residents and clients in rural and suburban areas.
Secretary for the Mossman District Nursing Home Inc, Shirley Vico, knows just how much this rural community requires local aged care services.
“The new Aged Care Plus Centre will take the pressure off concerned families, as many individuals in the local community have had to travel distances up to 80km to receive appropriate care,” she said.
The 42-bed residential aged care Centre will provide industry leading spiritual, physical and emotional care for all local residents.
As leaders in mental health, dementia care and palliative care, local residents will be able to stay connected to their families and community in a loving home environment.