Plans to pave Bloomfield Track could cause another blockade: Mayor


Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

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Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said her Council would stage a 1980s protest if plans to pave the Bloomfield Track progress. IMAGE: Supplied.

The Douglas Shire Council today expressed their distaste that a feasibility study was being conducted to assess the impact of paving the Bloomfield Track.

And Mayor Julia Leu said her Council would stage a 1980s protest if the plans progressed. 

The council’s original plans to build a road between Cape Tribulation and Bloomfield was the catalyst for the famous Daintree Blockade protest in 1983.

Cook Shire and Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire, have agreed to split the costs of the $30,000 feasibility study to assess the impact of paving the route.

According to a Cook Shire spokesperson, the councils want to improve motorist safety and boost tourism along the 40km dirt highway, which stretches from Cape Tribulation to Wujal Wujal.

The Douglas Shire Council owns and maintains a major part of the unsealed section of the track.

… more to follow

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