Mayor confident of securing refuge centre


Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

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A large crowd at the White Ribbon Walk in Mossman earlier this month condemning the domestic violence scourge sweeping the Douglas Shire. IMAGE: Supplied.

- <link june domestic-violence-affecting-rich-and-poor>Domestic violence affecting rich and poor: Port Douglas Police
Region's domestic violence blight 'a-shocking-result'

DOUGLAS Shire Mayor Julia Leu said at Tuesday’s final Council meeting of the year that Council needs to spearhead the drive for a domestic violence refuge in the shire.

“Although I do believe we are making some progress and we have support from a number of agencies, we still need to receive a commitment from the state government,” she said.

Leu said that the issue was highlighted in correspondence to the candidates who ran in the recent state election, adding she was also talking to the new Labor member for Cook, Cynthia Lui.

“There is a lot of work that still needs to be done, but I am confident that we will secure a refuge centre sooner than later,” she said.

Leu said the statistics are appalling and there is a news report of domestic and family violence every day.

In the 2015/16 financial year, 64 domestic violence applications were made in Mossman and 28 in Port Douglas. These orders were contravened 78 times.

“The reality is Douglas Shire has one of the worst rates of domestic violence in Queensland.

“We need to break the tragic cycle of domestic violence with a dedicated refuge for victims.”

- Domestic violence affecting rich and poor: Port Douglas Police
- Region's domestic violence blight 'a-shocking-result'

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