Local MP throws support behind sealing Bloomfield Track


Plans to pave Bloomfield Track could cause another blockade: Mayor

FEDERAL MP for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has endorsed sealing the Bloomfield Track between Cape Tribulation and Wujul Wujul, saying it would provide numerous positives for the region.

It comes just days after Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu threatened a Daintree Blockade-style protest if plans progressed on paving the 23km stretch of road.

“Anyone arguing against the project on environmental grounds has obviously never travelled the road in the dry season," Entsch said.

"Pollution caused by red dust on the adjoining forest is washed straight into the Barrier Reef lagoon, along with mud and sediment when drivers cross unbridged creeks."

Entsch said he supported the Cook Shire and Wujul Wujul Aboriginal Shire Councils in their efforts to seal the iconic 4WD track. Both councils have agreed to split the costs of a $30,000 environmental feasibility study to determine the impact of sealing the popular route.

“This project will create an iconic ring road with spectacular and contrasting environments and allow travellers to drive up the coast to Cooktown and then back inland through the Savannah Way," he said.

“There is also a very serious safety aspect, and I have no doubt lives have been lost by inexperienced and unprepared drivers attempting some very challenging sections of the road. Sealing the Bloomfield Road will significantly reduce the risk to drivers.

“For those who want unsealed roads there are still plenty of them in Far North Queensland, such as the Creb Track which runs parallel to the Bloomfield Road, and there is no prospect of sealing well into the future."

Paving the road would produce numerous positives for the region including increased visitor numbers and greater economic benefits for businesses north of the Daintree River, according to Entsch. It would also provide very positive improved access to the Wujul community.

“People who fear a sealed Bloomfield Road will create congestion should think again because it already exists. Maybe what the area needs is a larger ferry to take drivers across the Daintree River.”

“Given the Douglas Shire Council is opposed to the sealing maybe it should consider reviewing its shire boundaries as it is my understanding Cook Shire Council would be open to extending its boundary down to the edge of the northern side of the Daintree River."

Entsch said if the results of the feasibility study were positive, he would be pushing for Federal funding to 'make this project happen.'

“I look forward to seeing the results of the environmental impact study and working closely with Cook Shire and Wujul Wujul Aboriginal Shire Councils on this."

Plans to pave Bloomfield Track could cause another blockade: Mayor

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