Unconfirmed sighting of missing Port Douglas tourist

- <link august water-police-to-search-dicksons-inlet-for-missing-woman>Water police to search Dicksons Inlet for missing woman
- <link august air-and-land-search-for-missing-woman-in-port-douglas>Air and land land search underway for missing woman in Port Douglas
MORE than 30 SES volunteers, police officers and two land vehicles are continuing a search for a missing Chinese tourist in Port Douglas this morning.
Several members of the community have given information since Lipping Zhou, 71, was reported missing yesterday. Police believe she may be walking around on her own as the search was ramped up at first light today.
There was an unconfirmed sighting of her at Craven Close in Port Douglas yesterday, however an extensive land, water and aerial search failed to locate her.
Ms Zhou, who suffers from dementia, was last seen at a Murphy Street residence by her family at around 10pm on Wednesday August 9.
Port Douglas Police Senior Sargent Damien Meadows said the woman had also previously gone missing in her native China before being found.
Water police conducted a sweep of Dicksons Inlet yesterday afternoon after a helicopter survey along Four Mile Beach and surrounds failed to find her.

“Obviously we are very worried, but she is in good physical health for her age,” Meadows said.
“We are urging anyone that may have come into contact with this woman to contact police urgently.”
She is described as being Asian in appearance, of slim build, at around 140cms tall with short black hair.
Anyone with information can contact Policelink on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
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