The Reef Marina wins top gong at national awards

- <link march another-day-another-stunner-arrives-in-port>Another day, another stunner arrives in Port Douglas
PRAISED for its fantastic facilities and just two years after receiving superyachts, The Reef Marina recently claimed the ‘Best Commercial Marina: Under 140 Boats’ award held in Sydney.
MaryAnne Edwards, Superyacht Australia CEO had high praise for the popular Port Douglas venue.
“There is no questioning that Port Douglas has one of the best locations. They also have outstanding facilities and the team at the Marina are doing an excellent job,” she said.
The Reef Marina started receiving superyachts after new berths were developed as part of their multi-million dollar expansion.
Robert Cruz, the Reef Marina’s general manager, said it is heartening to be recognised and said bookings are strong which is encouraging.
“It is as encouraging to report that we are at full capacity. And having six permanent superyachts, says a great deal for what we have to offer. Our thinking during the expansion stage was to target the larger vessels,” said Cruz.
Earlier this year, Council approved the marina’s $85 million expansion which will include waterfront apartments, a boardwalk, rainforest walk and a shopping and entertainment precinct. The expansion will also provide a link to Macrossan Street.
The Reef Marina’s award was made by the Marina Industries Association (MIA) Club Marine Marina Awards.
Simon McLean, Club Marine’s CEO, said the growth in awards’ participation once again was excellent.
“As an industry insurer we see the Awards as an effective vehicle to encourage and promote good business practices and procedures as well as supporting the goals of the MIA.”
The MIA is the peak industry body for the marina industries in Australia, Asia and the South Pacific regions.
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