Police appeal for help to find ‘Wonga Beach’ wanted man

- <link august search-called-off-for-wanted-man>Search called off for wanted man
- Police operation underway in Wonga Beach
POLICE are now calling on public assistance in their search for a 20-year-old man who brought Wonga Beach to a standstill yesterday.
The man is said to have crashed a stolen vehicle into the front fence of a Wonga Beach Esplanade home at around 10am yesterday, before fleeing the scene on foot. Extensive patrols of the area by a special response team and police units failed to locate the man.
Police have now revealed the man then attended a caravan and camping ground on Vixies Road in Wonga Beach, stealing another 4WD after breaking into the caravan park and pinching the keys.
The stolen vehicle is described as being a 2005 Toyota Land Cruiser utility. It’s grey in colour and when stolen was bearing South Australia registration XPJ 214. It has a full canopy fitted to the rear tray.
The man is described as being a Caucasian male aged 20 with an olive complexion, dark hair and brown eyes. He is about 165cm tall and of slim build.

Wonga Beach locals described a chaotic scene yesterday as a number of police vehicles descended on the town.
“There was police everywhere and I’m talking about the serious ones in full SAS style kits,” one Wonga Beach local said, who preferred to remain anonymous.
“It all looked pretty serious.”
Another local farmer described seeing a man running up the airstrip at the end of South Arm Drive which became the focus area of the search yesterday afternoon.
There were conflicting reports the man was armed, however police are yet to confirm this.
"I actually went to go for a walk down the beach yesterday morning and was told by the police that this person was not armed,” another local told Newsport today.
“All this while he was putting on a bullet proof vest.”
If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.
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