Missing tourist captured on CCTV

- <link august unconfirmed-sighting-of-missing-port-douglas-tourist>Unconfirmed sighting of missing Port Douglas tourist
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- <link august air-and-land-search-for-missing-woman-in-port-douglas>Air and land land search underway for missing woman in Port Douglas
CCTV footage has captured missing tourist Lipping Zhou in the early hours of Thursday morning as the mystery into her whereabouts intensifies.
The 71-year-old Chinese woman can be seen walking purposeful near the Pandanus Caravan Park on Davidson Street at 4am on Thursday. Despite the promising lead, extensive air, land and water searches have failed to locate her.
It’s been almost 48 hours since she up and vanished from a block of units on Murphy Street where she was staying with her two daughters and grandson on a family holiday.
Her dementia has caused a similar incident in her home city of Shanghai when she wandered away from home without contacting loves ones.
Safeguards were put in place at the Murphy Street unit to avoid a repeat of that incident, however it’s believed she climbed out of a window sometime after 10pm on Wednesday night.
More than 30 SES personnel are currently deployed across Port Douglas searching for the woman and water police have returned to Dicksons Inlet. A rescue 510 helicopter is also on its way from Cairns to examine areas problematic for foot searches.

Senior Sargent Damien Meadows was calling on the Port Douglas community to assist in the search by checking neighbouring properties.
“Search your own backyards and neighbours backyards, and even areas you might frequent that might be isolated,” Meadows said.
“We are concentrating our search on the Port Douglas township but we will treat every piece of information which comes to hand as a realistic possibility.”
Today's search concluded at last light and will continue at dawn tomorrow morning.

There were unconfirmed reports Ms Zhou was seen in Cairns, however that has been ‘somewhat eliminated’ through the examination of CCTV footage, according to Meadows.
Foulplay or the possibility she was taken away from Port Douglas has not been ruled out.
“We have video footage of her on her own and she is quite determined in her movements," Meadows said.
“It’s a possibility (she’s been taken from town) but unlikely.
“We are quietly confident she is still on her own in Port Douglas but the longer it goes on the more problematic it becomes.”

Anyone with information can contact Policelink on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
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