Leisurely crocodile ‘just enjoying the weather’

BELUGA Xpeditions has captured an amazing image of a large crocodile swimming up Dickson Inlet ‘without a care in the world’.
And for Megan Beker, the stewardess who took the snap, this is just one of the many perks of the job.
She noticed something big swimming ‘literally off the bow of our boat’ while working on the deck at around 10.15am.
“He was just enjoying the weather like everyone else and cruising along without a care in the world,” she said of the 3.5 metre crocodile.
Neighbouring yacht Emerald Lady had also spotted the impressive animal earlier this morning off Four Mile Beach.
“I thought I’d just keep an eye out while I was on the deck,” Megan said.
“I saw something moving and was like ‘nah that’s too big’, but I got the binoculars and saw it. It was awesome, he was a big unit.”
The crocodile continued his relaxing glide up the inlet before being interrupted by a couple of approaching jet skis.
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