Council standing up on same-sex marriage


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Douglas Shire Council has again shown its unwavering support for marriage equality. IMAGE: Supplied

DOUGLAS Shire Mayor Julia Leu has reasserted council’s support for same-sex marriage.

The local council has unanimously supported a motion today and endorsed changes to the Marriage Act in a show of strength before the postal plebiscite in September.

Mayor Leu said it was ‘definitely overdue’ for legislation to support marriage equality ‘for all Australians'.

“Today we have reaffirmed our support for changes to the Marriage Act to ensure all consenting adult couples, irrespective of sex, gender identity or sexuality, have the choice to legally marry in celebration of their relationship,” she said.

“Our beautiful Shire is a spectacular setting for weddings – we host around 500 ceremonies each year, and we look forward to welcoming same-sex couples celebrating their wedding day."

On 4 November 2014, Council made the following proclamation:

"We believe that marriage between two loving and committed adults, regardless of gender and sexuality, deserves to be celebrated, validated and acknowledged.

We believe that when people’s love is not recognised by law, it is the law that needs to be changed.

We believe our elected leaders have a responsibility to protect the rights of all citizens.

We believe that Marriage Equality is about human rights and respect.

We believe in celebrating diversity and inclusion in our society.

We, of Douglas Shire Council proclaim our support for Marriage Equality.

It’s time for legislation to support Marriage Equality."

Leu said the voluntary postal survey on marriage equality is an opportunity to further clarify council’s position.

“We will provide this advice to the Federal Member for Leichhardt, The Hon Warren Entsch,” she said. 

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