Public art encouraged with new regional strategy


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The Regional Arts Development Fund is a Queensland Government and Douglas Shire Council partnership. IMAGE: Supplied.

ELIGIBLE individuals, organisations and collectives are invited to apply for funding for arts and cultural projects under Douglas Shire Council’s 2016-17 Regional Arts Development (RADF) Program.

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a Queensland Government and Douglas Shire Council partnership to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

Mayor Julia Leu said in addition to the traditional RADF grants program, Public Art Proposals are also invited at the same time.

“We are looking forward to artists’ concepts for public art in suitable public locations in the Shire,” Mayor Leu said.

“We want to make our RADF program more accessible to local artists and provide opportunities and spaces to create vibrant public art.”

Guidelines will be available at Douglas Shire Council’s Administration Offices in Mossman and Port Douglas, Douglas Libraries and online from noon Thursday 30 March.

An information session will be held this morning at 10am on 4 April at Council’s Mossman Office.

The 2016/2017 RADF program will be open for eight weeks. Applications must be received by Council before 4.30pm Friday May 26 2017.

Douglas Shire Council has also adopted the Arts Strategy 2017-2021 and Arts General Policy.

Mayor Leu said the Strategy provides medium-term organisational direction for local arts with practical, achievable actions, with the framework enabling Council to plan future actions and projects over five years.

“The strategy was developed after taking into account input from the community through targeted community engagement,” Mayor Leu said.

“The Strategy will be used when developing Council’s Annual Budgets and Operational Plans and assessing applications to Douglas Shire Council’s various grants programs and Public Art submissions.

“I would not only like to thank Justin Bishop from KickArts and Gaye Scott from The 20/20 Group for their fantastic work in bringing together this document, but everyone who provided input and comments throughout the consultation phases.”

The Arts Strategy and Policy may be viewed at Council’s Port Douglas Hub, Mossman Administration Office, Douglas Libraries and on Council’s website.