Deja vu for Cooktown drug driver


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A 75-year-old Cooktown man has been nabbed twice in three days on alleged drug related charges.

AN elderly man nabbed speeding last week with a large quantity of dried cannabis has been caught again.

The 75-year-old Cooktown man was charged with a number of matters on Tuesday after Police intercepted him on the Mulligan Highway doing 132km/h

A roadside drug test was conducted and the man allegedly returned a positive reading, while it will be alleged he was also in possession of 950 grams of packaged cannabis.

He’s now headed back to court on another charge after being pulled over on Friday.

Officers intercepted a utility being driven by the man on Charlotte Street, where he again returned a positive saliva test for drugs.

He was again issued with a notice to appear in the Cooktown magistrates Court to face this latest charge of drug driving.

His driver licence is now subject to immediate suspension pending his Court appearance.

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