Mossman youngsters ‘create their own ideas’ at DAB


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AT a time when we assume that most kids are consumed by social media activity when school ends for the day, there are many in this area that pursue sports while others show their talent in arts and crafts.

It is this group of kids who are our artists of the future, in a region already rich in talent.

And each Thursday afternoon at 3:00 a group of talented and enthusiastic primary school kids arrive at the Douglas Art Base (DAB) in Mossman to spend two hours learning about art.

They are afforded the opportunity to draw or paint; make beads, clay pots and have a fun time as they while away the afternoon doing something they love.

Under the tutelage of local Connie Rossi, an accomplished artist herself, they are encouraged to use their creative juices.

“I encourage the kids to create their own ideas. I want them to be independent, however, if they need any assistance or short of ideas, I’m there to provide suggestions,” says Connie.

DAB is a non-profit community arts group aimed at teaching, promoting and encouraging artistic development, appreciation and personal expression in the Douglas Shire.

The Douglas Arts Base was the brainchild of Marjorie Norris in 2002, and a select few local artists, who were invited to submit a proposal to the Douglas Shire Council for the use of a vacant council- owned Heritage listed building. The group saw a need for basic arts education courses for everyone.

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