How to beat the Diet Cycle


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WORDS by Rebecca McKenna

MOST of us have been there…we want to lose weight so we set out to try something new to do it. You start, things go well for a while, things start to not go well, you see this as a failure so you stop, feel bad about yourself and then set about starting something different. This is referred to as the Diet Cycle.

After working in this area for a long time I know one thing…99% of the time “dieting” to lose weight does not work long term. There is no magical “diet” out there that works. The people selling a blanket way to lose weight do not care about you as an individual and your food preferences. To them it is black and white…if you don’t eat this way you are unhealthy.

So what do you do instead? The first step is to remove any “all or nothing” thoughts from your head. 


Yes, you should eat healthy foods, but it is also OK to have occasional treats. Enjoying a treat food does not mean you have “fallen off the wagon” it means that you have a healthy relationship with food. This is what I refer to as embracing the grey areas. If you stop thinking of food in terms of “good” and “bad” you can begin to enjoy food again and break away from the diet cycle which just makes you feel bad about yourself and can mess with how your body functions long-term.

Food has no moral value. You are not a bad person if you eat bread, drinking green smoothies does not make you a better person than someone who doesn’t. You need to choose an eating pattern that works for you, that does not restrict foods you enjoy and is a way of eating for life.

To discuss how you can feel good about your eating again give Rebecca a call on 0430 551 605 or visit her website.