Artists shine at launch of Daintree illustrations
IT was a night when some of the best artistic talent in the shire assembled to launch and honour those who had devoted countless hours to produce a book featuring botanical illustrations that highlight the magnificence of the Daintree forest.
Inspired, Flora of Queensland’s Wet Tropics, displays the work of nine artists and on Friday night at DAB in Mossman, they received huge praise for their contributions.
Douglas Arts Studio Gallery Inc., in collaboration with Mossman Botanic Garden and Australia Council for the Arts, have produced what is being called a record of those who have been inspired by the forest, and who are actively interpreting what they sense, into a visual memory for anyone visiting this part of the world.
Edited by Liz Showniruk, Inger Rowe and Ellen Terrell; Ms Showniruk thanked Colin Price, Glenda Gordon, Sue Hoare, Sue Dennis, Ross Crommelin, Cheryl Wellham and Carol Edelberg for their outstanding work and said this book could be the start of many to follow.
The artwork in the book has been created by locals inspired to paint flora in all its glory. Each artist has carefully selected the specimens which have inspired them, either by the call of natural beauty, or the desire to understand the habits of the plant in an intricate and detailed way.
?Mossman Botanic Garden Inc., although not yet actualised, is a growing endeavour powered by local horticulturists, botanists and enthusiasts whose passion for the tropical rainforest will eventuate in the creation of a stunning tourist attraction and a tribute to tropical rainforest worldwide.
The book is published by Douglas Arts Studio Gallery Inc. It is priced at $25.
You'll find more information at the Douglas Arts Base in Mossman.
IMAGES: Howard Salkow