Post-apocalyptic drama gets nod as film festival finalist


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A scene from the short-film 'Asha'. IMAGE: Facebook.

PORT Shorts Film Festival organisers have selected Julian Cullen, the 20-year-old Gold Coast student, as the 2016 Port Shorts First Finalist Filmmaker for his post-apocalyptic road movie with a difference, Asha.

And Cullen is proof that all you need is a good idea and the talent to deliver it to audiences on the big screen to launch your career.

Cullen, who co-wrote the screenplay with sister and collaborator Elizabeth, as a farewell to their home town of Cairns in tropical north Queensland before relocating to attend film school, had a budget of just $150 for the stylish homage to T.S. Eliot’s poem The Waste Land, Cormac Mcarthy’s writings and John Hillcoat’s visual interpretation of The Road, with Shaun Brack leading an impressive local cast.

“My sister and I were preparing to leave Cairns and wanted to make a film before we left so we were going through our favourite films and we had the post-apocalyptic theme,” he said.

“We were looking at poetry by T.S. Elliot and that gave us the colour palette we wanted, then we spent a week writing together and shot it the week after.”

Julian said he was excited to be chosen as the 2016 Port Shorts First Finalist and win two nights at the chic QT Port Douglas resort, dinner for two at Bazaar Restaurant and VIP entry to the Port Shorts Production Lounge during the festival on October 28-29.

“Winning this prize has made the world feel a bit smaller and I’m really looking forward to attending the film festival and learning more from the judges and other filmmakers,” Julian said.

Port Shorts Film Festival Director Alison George said filmmakers who have entered have the chance to share in more than $15,000 in cash and prizes.

“We’ve been delighted with the quality of entries received so far but we’d always love more great films to choose from and it’s certainly not too late to impress us and the judges,” Ali said.

“Julian is a very deserving winner of the First Filmmaker prize and the fact that he’s produced such a quality short film on a budget of just $150 is testament to his abilities as an emerging filmmaker, we can’t wait to share Asha with audiences.”

Champion Aussie actor Stephen Curry will once again be joined by Wolf Creek Executive Producer Matt Hearn and Australian Film Industry Award-nominated screenwriter Kier Shorey (Blurred) as ambassadors and judges of the Port Shorts Film Festival, to be held under the stars in Port Douglas on October 28-29, with Steve to entertain the audience as MC.

The Port Shorts Ambassadors will also be joined by Screen Queensland on the panel for the free Port Shorts Filmmakers Forum to be held on October 29 before the curtain rises on the film festival.

For all the details on how to enter Port Shorts visit the website.