Popular QT Resort General Manager signs off


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Rupert Sakora finishes up as QT Resorts Port Douglas GM today. IMAGE: Howard Salkow - Newsport.

TODAY marks the end of a five-and-half-year association with QT Resorts, as QT Resort Port Douglas General Manager Rupert Sakora signs off from the top job.

And after 15 months in this position when he transformed QT into one of the most vibrant and active resorts in Port Douglas, Sakora has a special message for the local residents.

“I want to thank the community for embracing my family and I from day one after moving here from the Gold Coast,” said Sakora who will be pursuing fresh opportunities and new ventures.

“After five-a-half-years with the QT group, it’s time for change and I am looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead.

“My objective is to remain in Port Douglas, unquestionably one of the greatest parts of the world.”

Sakora did not take long to boost the QT brand and this included a number of highly successful events such as the outdoor cinema, wings nights, a 4th of July party, next month’s Melbourne Cup and the recent hosting of three top Australian chefs as part of Taste Port Douglas, among others.

But the Papua New Guinea-born Sakora’s greatest innovation was the introduction of ZUU to Port Douglas. ZUU is all about health and fitness and Sakora intends to continue promoting this is in the town.

Each weekday morning at 5am at the resort’s health club, a number of dedicated fitness fanatics have engaged in 45 minutes of high intensity primal ZUU movement patterns mixed with strength and endurance body weight exercises.

Blending in old school methods; sports science; proven techniques with new and innovative approaches, every workout targets the major and minor muscle groups while engaging both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems.??To better understand what the workout entails, you will find yourself squatting, scrambling and slithering around the gym, just like a wild animal. And yes, flexibility is important, but then of course, you can work at your own pace and be sure to know your limitations.

“This is a vital part of my life and I will continue to engage in this activity,” he said.