COUNCIL AGENDA: Service station at Paws and Claws site to go ahead


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DESPITE a petition to challenge the project, the proposed development of a service station on the current Paws and Claws site is to go ahead; and Douglas Shire residents can look forward to another plan: this time a Community Plan.

These are among the key items that will come before councillors at tomorrow’s Ordinary Council meeting in Council Chambers, Mossman at 9am.

The recommendation that will go before councillors is that Chelsea Malinas, who submitted the petition along with 94 signatories to block the development of the service station, be advised that Council is not in a position to stop the development of the land for a service station as there is a valid development permit that remains current over the land; and that the developer may act upon this development permit at any time while the development permit remains current.

In the petition, Ms Malinas noted that if a service station is built on the site, it would have a devastating effect on the native wildlife that live in the creek bedside and behind the site.

“It will destroy the habitat for the local wildlife that live in the creek, for example, freshwater turtles, eels and mud cod,” she said.

A disappointed and shocked Ms Malinas told Newsport today she would like to be formally advised why this decision was taken.

“This is clearly a case of council not listening to the locals or taking them seriously. This is an area of vital environmental importance and this has been overlooked,” she told Newsport.

The other key agenda item is the Community Plan Framework Proposal and that consideration is given to implementing a staged approach to the development of a Community Plan.

The following is proposed: 

• 2016 – 2017 Operational Plan - Development of a consultancy brief with substantial input from Councillors and engagement of consultant

• 2017- 2018 Operational Plan – Development of a Community Plan

Based upon preliminary investigation, the financial implications of developing a Community Plan would be approximately $150,000.

This figure includes, but is not limited to, items such as: 

• Workshops with Councillors to develop an appropriate consultancy brief 

• Consultancy fees 

• Advertising 

• Graphic Design 

• Catering 

• Fees 

• Additional facilitators 

• Other Councillor workshops 

• Report writing (including implementation plan)  

The Planning process will require significant internal resources through Councillor, Senior Management and officer contributions in addition to Council facilities and customer service centres, irrespective of this process being conducted by Officers or an external consultant.

It must also accommodate the other strategic plans that have been developed or presently under development by Council.

They include: 

• The Town Planning Scheme 

• The Economic Development Strategy 

• The Art Strategy 

• The Local Law Review 

• The Recreational Vehicle Strategy 

• The Sustainability Strategy

It is anticipated communities from Wangetti on the southern boundary through to Port Douglas, Mossman, Wonga, Daintree Village, and north of the Daintree River through to Buru at the northern most point of the Shire will be included as individual communities.

The Douglas Shire Council believe that a Community Plan is designed to provide guidance to Councillors, staff, communities, State and Federal Governments and local service providers on how Council will respond to the opportunities and challenges the Shire faces over the long term.

Newsport welcomes your comments (i) whether another plan is necessary; (ii) how Council hopes to obtain greater input from the 9,000 rate payers who had scant interest in the Town Plan; and (iii) the listed financial implications.

The Agenda for tomorrow’s meeting (9am):

1. Ministerial Designation Port Douglas Fire Station 

2. Petition Response - Service Station Development, Craiglie 

3. Financial Report For The Period Ended 30 September 2016 

4. Christmas Close Down Period 2016 

5. Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy Grant Application 

6. Proposed Framework For The Development Of A Community Plan 


Visit the website for further information.