Bumper year injects $485 million into Port Douglas economy: Bennett


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HAPPY HOLIDAY: A visitor strikes a pose on Four Mile Beach yesterday in Port Douglas, which is enjoying a 10 year tourism boom. IMAGE: Instagram.

LOCAL tourism operators have enjoyed a bumper year with close to $485 million pumped into the Port Douglas economy in the last 12 months.

Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree (TPDD) Executive Officer Tara Bennett said visitor numbers had reached the height of its growth in the early 2000’s across domestic and international markets.

Addressing the annual general meeting on Tuesday, Bennett said the 10 year high in tourism income verified Port Douglas as "one of the most sought destinations in Australia”.

“For the first time in 10 years, the Douglas region has reached more than 2.4 million visitor room nights up to June 2016, an 8% increase on last year’s growth, generating around $485 million for the local economy,” Bennett said

“The strongest market continued to be domestic with 359,000 visitors and 1.9 million room nights. This compares to the previous year’s figures of 329,000 visitors and 1.7 million room nights.”

Melbourne visitors keen to escape the cold Victorian winter continue to be the most visible, while Sydney and Brisbane residents relaxed in Port Douglas in large numbers. Regional Victorian, NSW and South East Queenslanders also flocked to the region.

Bennett said international tourists grew to 97,000 with total room nights reaching 533,000.

“Our visitor surveys also found most people visiting Port Douglas and Daintree were couples, averaging 43.7% on an annual basis, while those travelling as families came in second with an annual average of 24.8%,” she said.

“TPDD has been able to maintain the region’s high profile through the advantageous use of digital marketing, participation in trade activities and maximising media exposure.”

The Douglas Shire Council also continued its support of the organisation with a five per cent funding increase and a three-year commitment until June 2017.

“This is a significant investment by Douglas Shire Council towards strengthening the tourism industry and long-term sustainable growth of the region’s economy,” Bennett said.