'Stunning' Port Douglas among Australia's best beach towns


Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

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The famous Sunday Market's in Port Douglas, a tourist favourite. IMAGE: Tripadvisor.

PORT Douglas continues to ride the crest of the wave after being voted among the most charming beach resorts in Australia in a survey conducted by travelmag.com.

More than 50 travel writers, photographers and selected professionals were invited by the online magazine to name what that they believe are the most appealing resorts in the country.

Port Douglas was described in the following manner:

“Nestled on the Coral Sea in the tropical far north of Queensland, Port Douglas is a well-loved spot for locals and tourists alike and is a popular jumping off point for excursions to the Great Barrier Reef.

“The scenic coastal town is awash with white sandy shores, including the renowned Four Mile Beach, which is lined with palm trees and offers stunning views out to sea.”

Airlie beach in the Whitsundays is another favourite and high on the judges’ list.

Victoria is represented by five towns: Aireys Inlet, Apollo Bay, Lorne, Port Fairy and Wye River. In NSW, Byron Bay and Eden make up the Top 10.