Can your kids turn trash into treasure?


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CRAFTY kids are invited to come along and turn trash into treasure at the inaugural Plastic Free Douglas “Rubbish to Art” workshop on Saturday.

The free workshop, to be held at the Port Douglas Community Hall from 9.30am-11.30am on Saturday 26 November, will show children of all ages how they can create crafty masterpieces out of rubbish collected from our local beaches by local organisation and Plastic Free Douglas supporter Tangaroa Blue.

Workshop coordinator Louise Davies encouraged parents to come along as well to learn about how to make a difference and help protect our oceans from marine debris.

“Most people are amazed by what you can create with just a little bit of rubbish and the right amount of imagination,” Davies said.

“We’ve got some really fun and simple craft techniques to show the children using different materials and then it’s a matter of watching their creative minds go to work.

“Art produced by the children will form part of a Plastic Free Douglas exhibition in the foyer of Council’s Mossman Administration Building to help educate our community about the environmental impacts of litter and marine debris.

Morning tea will be provided at the workshop and parents are welcome to participate or simply drop the kids off. RSVP to Lisa Golding by emailing

MEANWHILE a Plastic Free Douglas will host a trivia fundraiser at the Central Hotel on Wednesday 1 December from 6.30pm.

Davies said there were plenty of great prizes to be won on the night, with all proceeds going towards the Plastic Free Douglas cause.

“We’re delighted with how well our local community has responded to the Plastic Free Douglas campaign since it was launched in June,” she said.

“More than 50 local businesses have signed up for the Plastic Free Douglas Business Ambassador program, from market stalls to major tourism operators and retailers and removing thousands of single-use plastic bags from our local environment.”

To find out more about the Plastic Free Douglass Ambassador program, check out the Plastic Free Douglas Facebook page