Local cricket match to support Luke Batty Foundation

Published Thursday 16 June 2016

THE Luke Batty Foundation will be the beneficiary of the annual North Queensland Cricket Day, which is hosted by the Mantra Group this Saturday. The objective is to raise $10,000.

This is an event where the family gets involved and there won’t be a shortage of children’s activities.

The Luke Batty Foundation was established in February 2014 after Luke Batty was killed by his father at cricket practice in Tyabb, Victoria, on Wednesday 12 February 2014.

Everyone in Australia was hugely affected by the manner in which Luke was killed and communities from far and wide responded generously by sending to Luke’s mum Rosie, hundreds of cards, an abundance of beautiful flowers, and donations, both large and small.

The response was so overwhelming that it inspired Rosie to set up the Luke Batty Foundation with the goal to raise funds to support women and children affected by the trauma of family violence.

The match is being held on Saturday at Reynolds Park from 9am.

If you wish to participate, contact Matthew Knight at matthew.knight@mantra.com.au and if want to be involved in the gourmet food stalls, contact Sim Dhillon at sim.dhillon@mantragroup.com.au.