Croc that killed Cindy Waldron caught last night

Published Saturday 4 June 2016

A massive 4.3m crocodile was caught near Thornton Beach last night with rangers saying it is the one that killed Cindy Waldron.

Queensland police believe they have found the remains of the 46-year old New Zealand born photographer inside the croc, which was captured in Coopers Creek near where she was snatched while wading in the water with her friend, Leeann Mitchell, almost a week ago.

<link police-end-recovery-search-but-hunt-for.13839.0.html>Police end recovery search but hunt for killer croc continues
<link croc-took-about-a-minute-to-snatch-vic.13820.0.html>Croc took 'about a minute' to snatch victim, says expert
<link breaking-woman-taken-by-crocodile-at-th.13814.0.html _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Victim was celebrating friends cancer survival before croc horror
<link breaking-woman-taken-by-crocodile-at-th.13814.0.html _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Woman taken by crocodile at Thonrton Beach

The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) have euthanised the animal.

“Wildlife officers believe the 4.3m crocodile is the target animal due to its size and location,” Queensland police said in a statement last night.

“The 4.3m estuarine crocodile was humanely euthanised. It is being transported to a secure EHP facility in Cairns.”

The saltwater crocodile was transported from the Daintree National Park to the Northern Fisheries Facility in Cairns last night where further tests will be carried out.