RUGBY UNION: Brave Reef Raiders pipped at the post by Penrhyn

Published Monday 4 July 2016

When it was all over there was a meagre two-point difference and the Port Douglas Reef Raiders rugby union team must still be shaking their heads as to why they lost 38-36 to Cairns Penryn Sports Association Inc. at the Port Douglas Sports Complex on Saturday.

The visitors led 26-10 at half-time.

What makes it even harder is that when the two sides last met, Penrhyn again sneaked home via the smallest of margins: 15-12.

This was a match that could have gone either way, and it was also not without its drama. After the referee had dished out a yellow card in the first half, which left Penrhyn with 14 players for 10 minutes; he delivered the coup de grace midway through the latter half when the same visiting player was red-carded for a dangerous tackle.

But this distraction did not overly bother the visiting team who continued to run the ball and use their speedy backs, who continually tested the hosts. And the hosts matched their opponents with their ability to create opportunities and both teams scored six tries each.

But it is a fair question why the Raiders did not take easy points when Penrhyn were penalised on numerous occasions close to their posts. This could have been the difference between winning and losing.

However, the Raiders can take a lot away from this match and were a much-improved team to the one that lost 40-14 last week to the Barron-Trinity Bulls.

And If any two players shone, it was Adrian Bannerman in the first half and Chase Hay, who came on in the second half.

From the base of the scrum, Bannerman’s workload was exceptional. Using his possession to great effect, he made considerable ground with his drives up field and ensured his backs got every opportunity to move the ball and set up opportunities.

Using the wind, his flair and speed, Hay transformed the backline in the final 40 minutes. He varied the play with long-raking kicks, split the defence with his strong running and linking with his backs, and also impressed with his cover defence. Both Bannerman and Hay were rewarded with tries.

The Raiders have a tough assignment this weekend when they meet Brothers RUC Cairns - to whom they lost 24-14 earlier in the season – but if they can tighten their defence and grab the goalable opportunities, there is no reason why they cannot record their first win of the season.

For the record, the Raiders’ try-scorers were: Shane Brauch, Jack Murday, Chase Hay, Lachlan Cowe, Adrian Bannerman and Huw Carey. George Chadwick added three conversions.