Port Douglas slipway to reopen on Friday

Published Wednesday 20 July 2016

AFTER being forced to close for failing to meet environmental compliance requirements, the Port Douglas slipway will re-open on Friday following the April 1 decision, in what clearly points to positive signs regarding the waterfront development. 

At the time of the closure, Reef Marina General Manager Rob Cruz said the marina, which manages the slipway, were forced to shut it down after being informed by Douglas Shire Council the slipway was not meeting several Environmental Authority conditions.

And after Cruz today confirmed that the slipway would re-open on Friday, Council said in a statement they were looking at a potential new site for a slipway.

Following a meeting with the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, Dr Anthony Lynham, Mayor Julia Leu told the minister that Council had identified a potential new site for a slipway.

And Council is also moving forward with investigations to secure Lot 96 to consider utilising part of the waterfront block as a seafood and commercial fishing precinct.

For The Reef Marina to secure freehold tenure from the State Government, redevelopment plans must not jeopardise the viability of marine industries.

“To facilitate this, Council has identified an area of land surrounding the Port Douglas Yacht Club boat ramp that may be suitable to relocate the slipway,” Leu said.

“There are some mangroves within the allotment, but these have been identified as ‘Category C remnant vegetation’ which is the classification of least concern for regional ecosystems and the Minister has given his support to Council to further explore this option with the Department.


  • <link slipway-to-reopen-soon-trm.13831.0.html>Slipway to reopen soon: TRM
  • <link slipway-users-meet-with-council-over-clo.13803.0.html>Slipway users meet with council over closure
  • <link>$100 million dollar marina development gets pre-approval, Council still not happy
  • <link port-douglas-slipway-closed-after-damnin.13622.0.html>Port Douglas slipway closed after damning environmental report

“Council is in-principle supportive of an application by The Reef Marina to develop a trawler berthing facility on Lot 146 adjacent to Lot 96 at the developer’s cost and looks forward to the resolution of this proposal by both parties,” she said.

Ms Leu said there are a number of stakeholders involved in the Waterfront redevelopment including Council, TRM, commercial fishermen, slipway users, the Port Douglas Yacht Club, Quicksilver Cruises which recently purchased Closehaven Marina, and, of course, community interests.

“Council will review the precinct as a whole, and Lot 96 in particular, to ensure the best possible utilisation by all stakeholders.

“We are meeting with the various State Government agencies this week to identify any potential impediments to considering Lot 2 as an alternative location for a slipway and Council intends to schedule a meeting with all marina stakeholders in early August,” she said.

The Douglas Chamber of Commerce said today that this issue was moving in a positive direction.

“The chamber is very happy with Council’s proactive approach and although this is beyond their responsibilities, feedback from boat owners and operators identify this as a need for the Port Douglas Marine Community,” said chamber president Helen De Ross.

“From what I understand, the alternative location will be a collaboration between State, Council and private enterprise with an opportunity to apply for funding from a Federal pre-election initiative of $20m pool of funds for infrastructure projects.

“It sounds like a win-win situation and a great example of collaboration,” she said.

She said the chamber is fully supportive of Council’s initiative as it not only supports our marine industry which is paramount to our bread and butter, tourism, but also assists the redevelopment of the Waterfront at The Reef Marina. We are now moving in a positive direction,” said Ms De Ross.

Meanwhile, Ms Leu said Minister Lynham is supportive of Council’s actions thus far regarding progressing the Waterfront redevelopment and will continue to advocate with other state agencies and Ministers on the relevant issues.

“Council is thankful to Minister Lynham for taking the time to be fully informed on Council’s progress regarding the Waterfront redevelopment and I’m confident we can resolve any outstanding issues,” said Ms Leu.