Aged care facility receives boost from state funding
Published Monday 4 January 2016

The proposed Mossman aged care facility will be holding a public information session on the development of the brand new residential aged care centre.
The Salvation Army Aged Care Plus and Mossman District Nursing Home Inc (MDNHI) will host the information session on Tuesday January 12th at the Mossman Community Hall at 5:30pm.
- <link mossman-nursing-home-closer-to-fruition.12993.0.html>Mossman Aged Care Facility closer to fruition
“The purpose of the information session is to have the opportunity to hear about the early development of the facility and listen to what the Salvation Army have planed and to consider the possibilities,” said Marjorie Norris foundation member of the MDNHI Committee.
“Draft plans have been drawn and presented to Council with amendments still to be done early this year.
“Salvation Army Aged Care Plus moved efficiently since the 1.4 hectares were gifted for the proposed 42 aged care residencies,” she said.
The proposed services will cater for dementia specific care. The facility will host a balance of assisted living as well as caring for anyone in the community who may have mental or physical disabilities.
Minister for State Development Dr Anthony Lynham announced the proposed Mossman aged care facility was among more than $50 million worth of projects successful in the Building Our Regions funding program.
An additional $544,150 will be provided under the Building Our Regions program towards the estimated $1.15 million required to establish enabling infrastructure to support the development of the proposed aged care facility in Mossman’s Johnston Road.
Mayor Julia Leu said the funding announcement was a fantastic early Christmas present for the Douglas Shire.
“The Mossman aged care facility is something the community has been fighting for, for more than 20 years.
“Council is delighted we can now move forward with these major developments with the support of the State Government.”
This major project will not only provide short and long-term employment during construction and operation, but also provide essential services for the sustainability of our communities.