Fitness stations installed to encourage healthy lifestyles

Published Tuesday 9 February 2016

Fitness enthusiasts can now get physical while enjoying spectacular views of the Coral Sea with the installation of three outdoor fitness stations on the Port Douglas Esplanade.

The fitness stations feature a sit-up board, pull-up bars, a leg lift and chin-up bars.

Mayor Julia Leu said Council installed the fitness stations to encourage healthy lifestyles.

“It’s obvious by the huge number of people you see walking, running and cycling throughout the Douglas Shire early in the morning and late in the afternoon that people enjoy getting outdoors and embracing an active lifestyle,” Mayor Leu said.

“Many of our visitors also want to continue their fitness regime while they’re on holidays and the installation of these fitness stations on the Port Douglas Esplanade offer another option for them to incorporate into their training schedule.

“With Council also looking to construct a walking trail on Flagstaff Hill and invest more than $2 million in cycling and walking infrastructure over the next five years, we want to support healthy lifestyles.”

The fitness stations on the Port Douglas Esplanade are free to use 24 hours a day, seven days a week.