Success for Finn in inspirational swim

By Brad Weaver

Published Tuesday 16 August 2016

NEWSPORT readers will recall our August 2 story about 14-year-old Finnian Weaver’s attempt to swim 27km from Green Island to Yorkey’s Knob to raise funds for the Indie Rose Foundation. 

We are delighted to report that he was successful in his attempt and today we publish his father, Brad’s account of the incredible feat.

Finn started at 6:38am and finished at 3:28pm completing the swim in 9 hours 10 minutes. The day started well but conditions were a little blustery with 18 - 20 knot winds and white caps all over.

He settled in and by about 10km the wind had settled down to about 16knots. It was around about then he was visited by a pod of dolphins and not long after we had a visit by about three or four whales. Finn stopped for a bit to see them breach; treading water to get a glimpse.

For me, sitting on the speed boat it was a nervous ride but he always looked comfortable. It was comforting for me to see the little green light of the shark shield glowing so we knew it was doing its job and keeping him safe.

<link schoolboy-s-brave-swim-in-memory-of-canc.14017.0.html>Schoolboy's brave swim in memory of cancer victim

We just had to work on keeping him fed and swimming. At one point he got a little close to the shark shield and it gave him a tickle up. He came up smiling and said 'at least I know it’s working'.

From about 22km things got tough for him as he could smell home and he wanted to hit the beach. He dug deep and made it through.

We are yet to do a final count, but we think with the support we received in the last week leading up to the swim, we will have raised nearly $4,000 for the Indie Rose Foundation.

We are so incredibly proud and humbled by Finn’s swim and the support that we have received from everyone around us. For every great achievement there are always ordinary people at the side of those who succeeded making it truly possible.

Events like this not only develop character, they also reveal it. I am exceptionally proud of what it revealed about my son.

Finn said to me last night that it would be great to sleep in tomorrow and not have to swim laps of the pool. The simple things that keep a 14-year-old happy.