Local girls tough it out at Miss Muddy

Published Wednesday 24 August 2016

THE Miss Muddy Cairns took place last weekend with a group of 17 committed girls from the Douglas Shire taking up the challenge.

Miss Muddy takes place at different locations all over Australia and is a grueling 5km female only obstacle course.

The Douglas Dirty Divas spent last Saturday climbing, crawling slipping and sliding their way through mud to help raise awareness for the McGrath Foundation and, in particular, the Breast Care Nurses in communities nation wide.

Mossman’s IMT and Port Pilates Plus in Port Douglas helped sponsor the event and supplied the girls with their own commando style singlets and have some far helped the team raise almost $700.

Douglas Dirty Divas Team members were:
Melissa Mussett, Alyson Fitzgerald, Elle Brown, Jamayah McGinty, Jayde Neil, Jo Radley, Julie Salam, Kerry Bower-Miles, Meagan Cameron, Michelle Vladich, Sam Fielden, Summer Walford, Tess Glass, Tracey Saxon, Yvette Hasting Le Griffon, Jodi Francis, Gail Croft.