Published Friday 26 August 2016

WORDS by Rebecca McKenna

POLYCYSTIC Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal condition which effects around 12% of females.

Many women with PCOS report weight gain and often become very confused about what is best to eat for their health. New research has just been released to show that most women with PCOS are actually choosing foods which are adversely affecting their health.

So if you have PCOS, what foods should you be choosing?


  • Lots of vegetables! My clients probably get sick of hearing me go on and on about vegetables, but when it comes to your health, these guys are so important

  • Fruit. Not too much, but not too little! Two serves per day is recommended

  • Good quality carbohydrates. Again, these guys are extremely important when it comes to health, but be sure to choose the right ones and appropriate portions. The grainier the better and Low GI is the best way to go. Carbohydrates keep the body ticking over and are essential to good gut bacteria

  • Protein. Once more, not too much, but not too little! Try to include a range of red meat, white meat, fish and non-animal proteins such as legumes

  • Fats. My best advice is to stick to the fats that have been proven to be good for you. Study after study have shown that olive oil and oily fish have fantastic health benefits, but use in moderate amounts.

  • Dairy. A couple of serves per day. Be sure to choose good quality yoghurt, milk and small amounts of cheese or dairy alternatives that have been enriched with calcium

If you have PCOS and need more individualised advice Rebecca is an Accredited Practising Dietitian in Port Douglas. To make an appointment call 0430 551 605 or visit