Inaugural Asia Forum to explore tourism opportunities

Published 3 August 2016

An Asian Forum, which will explore opportunities to grow tourism in regional Queensland, has been welcomed in the Douglas Shire. 

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said up to 400 tourism industry leaders would join government ministers and key stakeholders in Cairns on Thursday August 25 for the first-ever Premier’s Connecting with Asia Forum.

The Premier said we know the growing Asia middle class has the potential to drive significant growth in visitors to Queensland.

The forum is set to look to the future – from creating innovative product, to enhancing digital connections and aviation access.

“The Connecting with Asia Forum will bring industry and government together to identify opportunities to grow tourism from Asia.

“We are determined to grow Queensland's visitor economy to drive economic growth and jobs in the tourism sector,” she said.

Tara Bennett, Executive Officer of Tourism Port Douglas Daintree (TPDD), said improved Asian aviation connectivity is bringing more opportunities to the region.

“The forum is an excellent initiative to equip the Tropical North Queensland business community to benefit from the proximity of our neighbouring countries,” she said.

Ms Bennett said from a tourism perspective, and for the Douglas Shire, this is an emerging market that is expected to deliver growing numbers of free independent travellers in the coming years.

“The forum will look at investment and industries outside tourism which could prove to beneficial to Port Douglas,” she said.

Ms Bennett said a forum of this nature was extremely beneficial to the TPDD.

“Attending forums such as this one provides an insight into market trends which can assist us identify opportunities for the destination,” she said.

In Tropical North Queensland, tourism supports 23,500 jobs and contributes more than $4.7 billion to the local economy.