Economic development, Internet woes addressed

Published Tuesday 9 August 2016

THERE is light on the horizon as the Douglas Chamber of Commerce is slowly starting to see some movement on the troubled Internet front.

And the chamber is also encouraged by the outcomes from the Douglas Shire Council’s Economic Development Strategy consultation process.

According to a chamber spokesperson, a fixed line NBN (fibre to node) rollout in Port Douglas and Mossman will commence construction in February 2017, which is significant as this was originally planned for 2018.

And the Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has taken on board the Chamber’s case by agreeing to address the Internet issue with Mitch Fifield, the Federal Communications Minister, when Parliament resumes later this month.

The chamber of Commerce is encouraged by the start to the Douglas Shire Council’s process and welcomed the opportunity to be involved.

Council has started meeting with key stakeholders to develop an Economic Development Strategy (EDS) for the Douglas Shire. The objective is to identify the key strengths, assets and opportunities for the Shire and focus on five key challenges to stimulate economic growth:

maintaining a balanced workforce and a sustainable population;

planning for sustainability;

supporting and sustaining tourism, agriculture, fishing and small business;

eliminating silo thinking which inhibits collaboration;

preserving the natural environmental assets while adapting to climate change and other threats.

“It is pleasing that Council is looking at the key priority areas with other industry partners. Our discussion points included communications network; housing affordability; public transport; creating and maintaining a premium global brand,” the spokesperson said.

Council met with several key stakeholder groups for one-on-one sessions including Tourism Port Douglas Daintree, the Daintree Marketing Cooperative, the Douglas Chamber of Commerce, Mackay Sugar, Canegrowers, Sheraton Mirage Resort, The Reef Marina and the Mossman Botanical Garden committee. It will meet with other groups in coming weeks.

Mayor Julia Leu said the stakeholder consultation is based on obtaining feedback to the prioritised challenges.

“Once these are identified, we can work on identifying solutions and strategies to address these challenges based on the strengths, opportunities and under-utilised assets that exist within the Shire,” she said.

"Our aim is for the Douglas region to capitalise on its lifestyle, tropical location, cultural heritage and unique environment by creating innovative business development, investment, sustainable economic growth and prosperity.”