DAINTREE: Work begins on Bloomfield Track's Rigid Pavement Connection Project

Published Monday 15 August 2016

WORK commences today on the Rigid Pavement Connection Project - Cowie Range on the Bloomfield Track.

Next week, the contractor will be setting up the work site, removing existing pipe culverts, excavating and installing new larger pipes.

The Bloomfield Track will remain open throughout the week, although one lane will be closed with traffic control for vehicles to pass one way at a time. The work will be occurring throughout the day.

In the second week, the concrete pours are planned. Traffic will be stopped for 15 to 20 minutes at a time while each truck pours concrete on one half of the road. Six trucks will be pouring, however waiting traffic will be allowed to pass through (one lane at a time), between each truck pour. This is scheduled to occur in the mornings.

Traffic will be controlled by traffic lights, however the traffic will be monitored by one of the crew and if traffic builds up in one direction, the lights can be operated manually.

In the third week, the concrete will be left to dry. In the fourth week, the concrete pours for other half of the road are planned, again scheduled to occur in the mornings.

MEANWHILE, residents north of the Daintree River will have a chance to talk to the planner about the Proposed Douglas Shire Planning Scheme on Thursday 25 August at Whet Restaurant, Cape Tribulation from 8:30-11:30am, and at the Cow Bay Hotel, Bistro from 12:30-3:30pm.

Although appointments are not required, Michelle from Whet has offered to take appointments for the Cape Tribulation session and may be contacted on 4098 0007.