Council endorses ‘desexify your pet’ campaign

Council endorses ‘desexify your pet’ initiative

Published Thursday 18 August 2016

THE Douglas Shire Council has wholly endorsed the RSPCA’s Operation Wanted de-sexing campaign labelling it a fantastic initiative.

The campaign is a collaboration between the RSPCA and participating vets and councils and involves 26 shires who are contributing to the campaign’s promotion.

This year more than 170 vets have reduced their de-sexing fees by 20 per cent for a period of three months and it is hoped 30,000 animals will be de-sexed as a result of the promotion.

“The campaign is a fantastic initiative which encourages responsible pet ownership through the discount of all de-sexing operations by participating vets, which includes Hands-On Healing in Mossman,” said Mayor Julia Leu.

“Pets play an important part of our social development. You only have to look at the number of abandoned pets Council and our local Paws and Claws Animal Shelter deal with each year to understand how many animals are exposed to unnecessary harm or discomfort as a result of being unwanted. The best way to reduce this impact is to de-sex your pets,” she said.

There are 1142 dogs registered in the Douglas Shire, with approximately 700 de-sexed.

“There is a massive pet over-population issue across Queensland and Australia,” said RSPCA Qld spokesperson Michael Beatty.

“As an example, a five-person household would need to own 30 cats and 10 dogs to keep up with the over population. More than 45,000 animals come into our care every year and the vast majority of these have not been de-sexed. We’ve got to get the message out there.”

The advantages to having your pet de-sexed:



  • Reduces desire to roam

  • Reduces risk of some cancers

  • Reduces other unwanted behaviours such as urine spraying (cats)

  • Cheaper Council registration fees

  • Allows pets to be healthier and happier

  • No risk of unwanted litters



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