OPINION: Can new council embrace the many positives?

Published Friday 1 April 2016

OPINION: You would expect an element of excitement. We have a newly-elected council, some ‘old’ and some ‘raw’ councillors who have four years to take the shire to a new level through innovation and progressive thinking. 

They also have an opportunity to address many of the concerns raised during the campaign.

But more importantly, this is the ideal time for our mayor and councillors to jump on the bandwagon and embrace the many positives impacting the region.

Tourism visitation is up; as is spending; Port Douglas is in the Top 10 among the most popular cities and resort towns in Australia; there is considerable business opportunity once work begins on the Reef Marina upgrade; and with Port Douglas continuing to attract retirees, the proposed retirement village on Ferrero Road looks like a ‘no brainer’.

And there is more. The ‘big boats’ continue to make the Reef Marina their new home: the latest being tourism entrepreneur Chris Morris’s Flying Fish; new retail stores and restaurants are opening; and the town’s first micro-brewery Hemingway’s is scheduled to start pouring beer in June. 

Yet, there is still some apprehension and trepidation when it comes to how the shire is managed. And the chief concern is that the triumvirate – Leu, Noli and Carey – are back in Council Chambers which raises the question whether our councillors can work as a team.

It’s no secret that the said trio dominated proceedings in their first two years of office (with Clarke and Melchert simply making up the numbers) following the de-amalgamation election. It would therefore be a breath of fresh air if the new team can work as such.

Those who followed Newsport’s election coverage and challenged my opinions, will no doubt again accuse me of council bashing. You will be correct, though, in pointing out that there are two new faces in council, Roy Zammataro and Michael Kerr; although it remains to be seen if they get drawn into the triad, stand up for what and who they represent, or just make up the numbers. 

Time will tell.

We will also learn over the next few months if there is going to be a rate rise; will the new council be looking at avenues to raise additional revenue and not relying on 80 per cent of revenue coming from rates; putting pressure on the Queensland Government to get power in the Daintree; getting the Reef Marina upgrade back on track, among other key projects.

Despite what may be considered as negative, we do have enough reasons to be excited and for the concerns to be eliminated if our new council is innovative, progressive in its thinking and intent on taking the shire to the next level, or raising the bar by a few notches.

There are always expectations from a new government or council and our four councillors and mayor now have the perfect opportunity to stimulate and sustain this excitement with bold actions. 

It’s now over to you Julia and your new team, and while we are all waiting in anticipation, we are confident you can deliver.