Electricity hike for small business disgusting

Electricity hike for Far North small business disgusting

Published Wednesday 20 April 2016

The Douglas Chamber of Commerce has joined forces with Tourism Tropical North Queensland, Advance Cairns and Cairns Chamber of Commerce in expressing their disgust over a plan to increase electricity prices for small businesses by roughly 10 per cent.

The Queensland Competition Authority’s draft pricing schedule for electricity users for the next 12 months has recommended price rises of between 9.3 per cent and 13.6 per cent for small businesses in regional areas in 2016-17.

If this is adopted it will come into effect on July 1.

The Douglas Chamber said in a statement today issued to Newsport that 10 per cent is a significant increase for ANY provider for ANY customer.

“Although the tourism industry is improving, there are still financial pressures felt by rural businesses, especially those in farming and retail,” said Chamber president Helen De Ross.

“To increase the cost of electricity will be difficult for a small business to absorb. The agriculture industry is facing several Government changes at the moment and a hike in electricity will certainly not help the situation.”

Ms De Ross is encouraging everyone to provide feedback by visiting the the Fair Go survey.