Stay safe on the road this spring break

Published Tuesday 22 September 2015

Queensland motorists are urged to drive safely and take more care especially over the school holiday period following a horror weekend on the state’s roads.

Local Port Douglas Police Sergeant Damian Meadows has a strong message for motorists especially those driving long distances during the school holidays.

“Firstly, be aware of fatigue.  This is a short school holiday period so people who are driving long distances in a shorter period of time need to stop every two hours and refresh themselves.

“Secondly, because it is school holidays there are more child movements, meaning there are a lot more kids around.  Drivers need to be mindful of areas with limited visibility and parents need to keep hold of their children,” said Sergeant Meadows.

With the number of fatalities on Queensland roads at 169 so far this year, this is up from 162 the same period last year,  a new state-wide initiative is in place during the school holidays called Operation Spring Break 2015 which is aimed at reducing the number of serious and fatal crashes on Queensland roads.

The operation will run from Friday, September 18 to Friday, October 9 and is designed to direct community attention to the offences related to speeding, impaired driving, seat belts, fatigue, distracted driving, defective vehicles and other road related offences.

“Drivers can ensure they are contributing to safer roads for themselves and others by ensuring every time they get behind the wheel they stick to the speed limit, drive to the prevailing conditions, do not drive tired, do not drive drunk or inhibited by drugs, wear their seatbelt and ensure their full attention is on the road,” said Queensland Police acting Assistant Commission Dale Pointon.

Minister for Road Safety Mark Bailey is also urging all drivers to “obey speed limits, drive to the conditions and keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road.

“It’s been another tragic start to a holiday period with six people losing their lives on our roads over the weekend, it’s just not good enough.” said Mr Bailey.

The government has committed to improving road safety with harsher laws now in effect for drivers who repeatedly use their mobile phones behind the wheel.

On behalf of the Port Douglas and Douglas Shire community, Newsport also implores all drivers visiting or residing in the region, to please adhere to all road safely rules.